Integration and Data Management

The number one challenge that SAP identified in 2020 was that of integration. The average number of integration tools SAP customers are using to integrate their data with Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems is four, three of which are on-premise. This track will help you understand your different integration choices, how you should work to integrate cloud-based systems, why it is important to have an architecture in place before moving into the cloud, and understand how data management, whether in the cloud or on premise, is critical to success of your integration.

Sessions at SAPinsider Cloud & Admin2021:

Featured Sessions:

Building a business case and a project plan for your SAP HANA project – Heiko Hecht

Are you intrigued by SAP HANA but you don’t know where to start and where to achieve the best ROI? This session will demonstrate how you can build a business case and a roadmap of your SAP HANA implementation. Based on your current As-Is situation we will present an approach to generate fact-based results derived from your current SAP landscape to identify and quantify performance gains and reduction of database space, business process and other potential areas of improvements.

Add PDF editing capabilities to your UI5 application using a commercial library as a custom control – Cord Jastram

UI5 offers a large set of controls but sometimes nevertheless a feature is missing. However, UI5 has a sometimes-overlooked feature: custom controls which allow you to develop your own UI5 control. In this session I wrap a commercial web control as a UI5 custom control in order to add advanced PDF editing features to my UI5 application. I will present a full-blown application and show some important aspects of the frontend and the backend coding.

Explore all sessions at SAPinsider Cloud &Admin2021.

All Cloud & Admin2021 Tracks:

Additional Resources:

Research Report:

Enterprise Cloud Deployment: State of the Market 

Digital transformation and the deployment of applications in the cloud has been a key topic of discussion within the enterprise software market for several years but that conversation has been accelerated by the global events of 2020. Organizations whose workforces had been entirely on-site have had to quickly convert to a remote work environment. Many of those companies have scrambled to address critical infrastructure changes and implement cloud-based applications to provide faster and more reliable access for remote users. 

Integration Tools and Strategies for SAP S/4HANA

As organizations continue their transition to SAP S/4HANA, more are focusing on making it a single source of integrated business and financial data. SAPinsider has observed this trend in multiple reports in 2020 starting in April as a strategy being pursued by 42% of respondents in our SAP S/4HANA Finance: State of the Market report, then as a requirement that was important or very important to 79% of respondents in our Business Case for SAP S/4HANA report in June, and now as a driver and a requirement for a centralized view of data from multiple sources and systems in this report. Without tools and an integration strategy, this centralization is not possible.

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