SAP Digital Signature

What is SAP Digital Signature?

With electronic signatures (e-signatures) often now having the same legal status as a handwritten signature, organizations need to ensure that they provide digital signature solutions that comply with the appropriate laws and regulations applicable to each party. There is also an expectation that these solutions offer support for ad hoc use cases, flexible workflows, integration with commercial business applications, as well as support for custom applications.

What is SAP Digital Signature?

With electronic signatures (e-signatures) often now having the same legal status as a handwritten signature, organizations need to ensure that they provide digital signature solutions that comply with the appropriate laws and regulations applicable to each party. There is also an expectation that these solutions offer support for ad hoc use cases, flexible workflows, integration with commercial business applications, as well as support for custom applications.

SAP’s digital signature solution, called SAP Signature Management by DocuSign, provides electronic signature capabilities so that people inside and outside an organization to electronically access, sign, and send documents anywhere and on any device. This is a software-as-a-service solution that uses a cloud deployment which facilitates connection from any web browser, and comes with built in connections to most SAP applications.

Further Resources for SAPinsdiers

Optimize SCM Business Processes by Implementing Digital Signatures. Digital signature functionality is designed to reduce the number of printed documents that need to be signed, and to facilitate the completion of signed documents when the parties involved are unable to physically exchange documents. Digital signatures can do everything from confirm decisions within the quality management module of an SAP ERP system, validate shift reports in the plant maintenance module, or confirm process parameters. This article discusses how an organization can configure and implement digital signatures within their SAP systems.

Inside a Multi-Phased SAP Digitization Journey. Varian Medical Systems recently underwent a significant digitization journey. One of the key components of this was converting from handwritten to digital signatures within their engineering change management solution. Varian used a SAP PLM component called SAP Engineering Change Management in order to revamp and automate the engineering change process. This was critical because, as a medical company, they needed to make sure that, for any kind of engineering change, the necessary approvals and signatures are in place. This reflects the importance of digital signature solutions to streamlining day to day processes.

Demystify Digital Signature Configuration for Faster Approvals. Digital signatures allow people to send documents electronically, reducing the time and saving money in many instances. But to ensure that digital signatures on documents are authentic and secure, it’s important to ensure that everything is configured correctly in SAP Solution Manager. This article walks through the configuration process and explains how organizations can set up electronic signing in less than 10 steps.

1042 results

  1. Optimize SCM Business Processes by Implementing Digital Signatures

    Published: 27/July/2012

    Reading time: 13 mins

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  2. Configure Digital Signatures in SAP Solution Manager

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  3. Optimize Electronic Signatures in Your Company’s Procurement Process

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  6. Demystify Digital Signature Configuration for Faster Approvals

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