SAP Process Control

What is SAP Process Control?

Companies need to ensure their activities are carried out following board-level directives and internal policies while complying with applicable regulations. That’s where internal controls come into play, and process control is a method that companies use to streamline and automate the monitoring of business processes. SAP Process Control, part of the SAP GRC suite, is one tool that many SAP customers use to ensure their business is operating in an efficient and compliant manner.

What is SAP Process Control?

Companies need to ensure their activities are carried out following board-level directives and internal policies while complying with applicable regulations. That’s where internal controls come into play, and process control is a method that companies use to streamline and automate the monitoring of business processes. SAP Process Control, part of the SAP GRC suite, is one tool that many SAP customers use to ensure their business is operating in an efficient and compliant manner.

SAP Process Control and similar tools offer the following capabilities, among others:

  • Continuous controls monitoring (CCM), which automates the monitoring of process data.
  • Single source of process control data, including internal procedures and compliance policies
  • Business objective and risk alignment with controls
  • Automated workflows and notifications for issue response
  • Internal controls evaluation

Process Control is largely manual without a targeted solution. Automation with the help of technology enables faster response to efficiency and compliance issues, while reducing workload for GRC teams.

There are many vendors that provide services and products around process control. For example, Appsian Security’ssolutions offer attribute-based controls monitoring, continuous monitoring, and real-time process analytics. System integrators such as Capgemini, Deloitte, and Accenture assist customers with establishing process controls policies and implementing SAP Process Control and other software.

Key Considerations for SAPinsiders:

  • CCM automation is an appealing piece of SAP Process Control for many SAP customers. For example, as part of an SAP Process Control implementation, Eli Lilly utilized CCM to help track the company’s controlled activities. This has helped increase transparency and efficiency in the controls process.
  • Business partners need to be involved in SAP Process Control. Get out in front of the process with your business partners so you can inform and co-create, making them aware of control considerations that will impact their decisions. Challenge your current processes and leverage technology and external expertise to support adoption and behavior change. Asking questions like “what is your biggest pain point” and “how do we benchmark against our peers” is important.
  • Hershey is using process control to measure process and adoption rates during its phased SAP S/4HANA implementation. This phased approach allows the company to understand what extent GRC is being leveraged. Using SAP Process Control, rationalization of manual controls is targeted at 35% and control automation is expected to increase from 20% to over 50%.

1261 results

  1. Vodafone Group Dials Up Process Controls

    Published: 04/January/2018

    Reading time: 7 mins

    As Vodafone Group expanded globally, it required more stringent process controls to ensure the more than 100,000 users who touched their various business processes could act efficiently. The company sought SAP Process Control to automate its process controls and expand the control footprint by process, systems, and geography. Discover how the company was able to…

  2. Troubleshoot the Three SAPSprint Root Error Categories for Server-Based Printing on Windows

    Published: 29/October/2009

    Reading time: 17 mins

    A failed printout can delay or disrupt important meetings or cause you to miss deadlines. See how to avoid printer failures when using SAPSprint by analyzing the three most common types of errors. Also find answers to common SAPSprint issues in the SAPSprint FAQs. Key Concept Processing in SAPSprint involves generating print data via the...…

  3. Properly Manage Your GRC Initiatives with Standardization, Optimization, and Automation

    Published: 15/February/2008

    Reading time: 22 mins

    Effective controls ensure that a company complies with regulatory requirements, but they should also be cost effective. Standardization, optimization, and automation can improve the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of compliance. Key Concept CFOs frown on the idea of reducing the number of controls in a process. However, having many controls does not necessarily yield all the...…

  4. Strategies to Leverage an SAP System Implementation for Reduced Cost of Compliance

    Published: 11/January/2012

    Reading time: 14 mins

    Be sure your internal control structure is adequately designed during an SAP system implementation or upgrade. It can be expensive to redo this structure after the designed processes are in place, as an SAP system implementation is a major transformational activity involving organization-wide process changes. Key Concept Internal controls are an integral part of business...…

  5. Tighten internal controls with CCM: SAP GRC Forum with Carlos Jaimes & Marc Jackson

    Published: 01/December/2012

    Reading time: 7 mins

    Where does automation of internal controls make sense, and how can you integrate controls monitoring into your finance and other SAP ERP processes? Carlos Jaimes and Marc Jackson of Turnkey Consulting took questions in a recent GRC forum on Continuous Controls Monitoring (CCM), SAP Process Control, and options for reporting and automation, moderated by Matt…

  6. Configure SAPSprint for Secure Server-Based Printing on Windows

    Published: 17/June/2009

    Reading time: 146 mins

    You can have as wide and varied a range of printing needs as you have business needs. Learn about the available SAPSprint options — what they are and what they do — so you can help your organization meet its specific printing needs. Key Concept Secure Network Communications (SNC) integrates an external security product with...…

  7. Reduce Costs in Compliance Management with a Top-Down, Risk-Based Scoping Approach

    Published: 11/April/2010

    Reading time: 15 mins

    With the requirement of identifying and assessing the design and operating effectiveness of internal controls many companies have ended up producing too much documentation and performing more testing, resulting in increased costs of compliance. Regulatory agencies such as the US Securities and Exchange Commission and the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) encourage companies to...…

  8. Ask the HR Expert: How Do I Use Processing Classes in SAP Payroll?

    Published: 15/November/2005

    Reading time: 8 mins

    Explore how your Payroll system uses processing classes. Our HR expert offers helpful hints and tips and explains how to create your own processing classes. Key Concept Dear HR Expert, I have worked in SAP HR Payroll/Time for a couple of years, but I still do not completely understand the concept of processing classes in...…

  9. Live Q&A: Take the stress off your SAP Access Control 10.1 implementation

    Published: 01/January/2017

    Reading time: 24 mins

    Get answers to your questions on SAP Access Control 10.1 implementations, from budget and personnel resources to common pain points and blueprinting best practices. Meet the panelist:  Dylan Hack, Deloitte & Touche, LLP Dylan Hack is a Manager with Deloitte & Touche, LLP. He has 15 years of SAP project experience with global clients in…

  10. How to Integrate Enterprise Systems and an MES Using SAP MII

    Published: 29/April/2015

    Reading time: 31 mins

    Learn how to develop a composite application in SAP Manufacturing Integration and Intelligence (SAP MII) by mashing up data from ERP and a manufacturing execution system (MES). See how to leverage message services and business logic services for ERP and MES integration. Key Concept The information required for manufacturing execution may come from different systems...…