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With over 40 years of experience, EPI-USE Labs provides software and managed services to over 1,600 clients across 49 countries. They help their clients transform their SAP landscapes, and optimize the performance, management and security of their SAP® and SAP SuccessFactors® systems.

EPI-USE Labs is a member of Group Elephant, which employs over 3,500 people and is largely employee-owned. Group Elephant also owns and funds a non-profit entity called Elephants, Rhinos & People (ERP) focusing on the preservation of at-risk elephants and rhinos through the economic upliftment of rural people in areas adjacent to these threatened species.

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  • Road to SAP data privacy compliance

    SAP specialist James Watson has written this practical guide outlining essential steps in the implementation approach for data privacy compliance in SAP systems, based on lessons learnt from various complex projects around the world.

  • SAP S/4HANA shines a light for Powerlink

    Find out how Australian electricity transmission system operator Powerlink upgraded to SAP S/4HANA using EPI-USE Labs' Data Sync Manager (DSM) Suite.

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