SAP CyberSecurity

What Is Cybersecurity?

Cybersecurity is the practice of protecting systems and information from digital attacks. Cybersecurity measures are designed to combat threats against networked systems and applications, whether those threats originate from inside or outside of an organization.

Businesses with a comprehensive cybersecurity strategy, governed by best practices and automated using advanced analytics, artificial intelligence, and machine learning, can fight cyber threats more effectively and reduce the impact of breaches when they occur.

What Is Cybersecurity?

Cybersecurity is the practice of protecting systems and information from digital attacks. Cybersecurity measures are designed to combat threats against networked systems and applications, whether those threats originate from inside or outside of an organization.

Businesses with a comprehensive cybersecurity strategy, governed by best practices and automated using advanced analytics, artificial intelligence, and machine learning, can fight cyber threats more effectively and reduce the impact of breaches when they occur.

What Is SAP Cybersecurity?

SAP cybersecurity solutions include:

UI Data Protection Masking and UI Data Protection Logging

  • Protect sensitive information in the user interface layer
  • Block or log data access
  • Secure and refine access

SAP Code Vulnerability Analyzer

  • Identify and remedy security vulnerabilities in ABAP custom code

SAP Focused Run

  • Security configuration management for SAP S/4HANA, SAP HANA, SAP NetWeaver, and Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition
  • Patch management

SAP Enterprise Threat Detection and SAP Enterprise Threat Detection Cloud Edition

  • Security information and event management solution tailored to the needs of SAP applications
  • Identify and analyze threats in SAP applications

SAP Data Custodian and SAP Data Custodian Key Management Service

  • Manage security keys
  • Monitor and report on data access, storage, movement, processing, and location
  • Create and enforce data access, location, movement, and processing policies

SAP Privacy Governance

  • Identify security and privacy risks
  • Deploy and manage maturity assessments with configurable templates
  • Manage security and privacy control evaluations and monitor ongoing compliance

Further Resources for SAPinsiders

SAP Cybersecurity in an Age of Uncertainty. In this article, Jhansi R Bandaru, PMP-Certified IT SAP Security/Compliance Lead, explains that organizations should regularly audit SAP systems to check their security and data integrity and identify vulnerabilities before attackers do. Knowing the weaknesses and gaps in a system is the first step in empowering management to deal with those vulnerabilities proactively, concisely, and effectively.

Expert Q&A: The Importance of Integrating Cybersecurity and Enterprise Risk Management. In this video interview, Gabriele Fiata, Head of Enterprise Risk Management and Innovation at SAP, shares his thoughts on enterprises’ common mistakes when managing cybersecurity risk and the need to integrate cybersecurity into an enterprise’s risk management framework.

A Holistic Approach to Managing Cybersecurity & Protecting Your Data. According to SAP Cybersecurity Solution Advisor Anne Marie Colombo, organizations should minimize user access to data by segregating and protecting it. This article presents best practices to ensure a holistic approach to cybersecurity and data protection for your enterprise.

Vendors that can assist SAP customers with cybersecurity include: Capgemini, Fastpath, Fortinet, Layer Seven Security, Lookout, Onapsis, RSM, and Saviynt.


87 results

  1. Cisco 2018: Annual Cybersecurity Report

    Published: 10/December/2018

    Reading time: 1 min

    What if defenders could see the future? If they knew an attack was coming, they could stop it, or at least mitigate its impact and help ensure what they need to protect most is safe. The fact is, defenders can see what’s on the horizon. Many clues are o

  2. Securing SAP S/4HANA

    Securing SAP S/4HANA

    Published: 14/September/2018

    Reading time: 15 mins

    When you are planning a conversion from SAP Business Suite to SAP S/4HANA, many questions about changing security needs can arise. This is due in large part to the architectural and technological changes that come with SAP S/4HANA. Read this article to understand the five critical areas security administrators need to consider when securing an…

  3. Cybersecurity Collection 2018

    Published: 28/August/2018

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    10 resources to help you reinforce your organisation’s SAP® landscape and fortify against continually evolving cyber threats

  4. Why You Should Care About SAP Cybersecurity: Evolution of the Threat Landscape

    Published: 30/April/2018

    Reading time: 1 mins

    We hear about cybersecurity in the news, and we read about it and see it in our daily work, but why should we care about cybersecurity with regard to SAP applications? SAP applications host the most sensitive and critical information for the biggest organizations in the world; therefore, these applications have become a key target…

  5. How to Respond to an Attack on Your SAP Applications

    Published: 23/April/2018

    Reading time: 1 mins

    You don’t want to be caught off guard in a breach to your SAP applications, but how do you best prepare to respond to a breach? The answer relies on defining a clear incident response process that aligns the organizational resources that are required to address a potential breach to your most critical SAP applications.…

  6. Attacks to an SAP System: Bypassing Detection and How to Prevent It

    Published: 09/April/2018

    Reading time: 1 mins

    Detecting attacks to SAP applications has become more and more important as we see companies making the headlines after being breached. Equifax is one example of how important it is to apply security patches and maintain the security of your applications. Security patches not only prevent your SAP application from being exploited but also ensure…

  7. False Sense of Security: Why Your Antivirus Doesn’t Protect Your SAP System

    Published: 08/November/2017

    Reading time: 2 mins

    SAP systems are high-value targets for sophisticated cyberattacks — they contain treasure troves of sensitive data. While many companies have robust antivirus programs in place to defend against such attacks, most have certain limitations that can prevent them from fully protecting SAP systems. Learn where the security gaps exist with traditional antivirus software, and how…

  8. Secure Your SAP Landscape with SAP Solution Manager 7.2

    Published: 08/November/2017

    Reading time: 2 mins

    Firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and antivirus solutions may not fully protect SAP systems against advanced cyberattacks. However, the answer to SAP customers’ security questions may be closer than they realize. SAP Solution Manager 7.2 includes safety measures that organizations can immediately leverage. Learn how these five integrated applications — Service Level Reporting (SLR), Dashboard Builder,…

  9. Securing SAP Systems

    Published: 01/November/2017

    Reading time: 11 mins

    Panelists: Frederik Weidemann and Stephen Lamy Sponsor: Virtual Forge Your SAP systems and the data within are an integral part of your business. You need to ensure your SAP applications are secure and stable, but there are a wide array of cybersecurity threats to worry about. Find out how to secure your SAP landscape from…

  10. Cybersecurity Considerations for SAP Mobile Applications

    Published: 01/October/2017

    Reading time: 15 mins

    Panelist: Juan Perez-Etchegoyen, Onapsis Date: Thursday, October 12 Kendall Hatch Hello, and welcome to today’s live Q&A on security considerations for SAP mobile applications. I’m Kendall Hatch, Conference Producer for SAPinsider, and I’m excited to introduce today’s panelist, Juan Perez-Etchegoyen, CTO at Onapsis. Juan is also a speaker at the upcoming SAPinsider Cybersecurity for SAP Customers conference…