SAP e-invoicing

What Is SAP e-invoicing?

SAP e-invoicing is a key SAP application that enables organizations to manage and automate their invoicing process. It provides several crucial capabilities, including creating and managing invoices electronically, tracking payments, and reconciling accounts. As a result, SAP e-invoicing can help organizations improve their invoicing process, increase transparency, and automate critical tasks. SAP e-invoicing is an essential solution for organizations looking to automate the invoice processing process and increase transparency in their financial operations.

What Is SAP e-invoicing?

SAP e-invoicing is a key SAP application that enables organizations to manage and automate their invoicing process. It provides several crucial capabilities, including creating and managing invoices electronically, tracking payments, and reconciling accounts. As a result, SAP e-invoicing can help organizations improve their invoicing process, increase transparency, and automate critical tasks. SAP e-invoicing is an essential solution for organizations looking to automate the invoice processing process and increase transparency in their financial operations.

Key capabilities include:

  • Automated invoice processing
  • Increased transparency
  • Ability to create and manage invoices electronically
  • Ability to receive and process invoices electronically.

Key Considerations for SAPinsiders  

Growing regulatory complexity is driving e-invoicing adoption. Recent indirect tax mandates, including value-added tax (VAT) and sales and use tax, call for organizations to adopt e-invoicing processes to facilitate real-time payment of tax obligations. Functionality, such as standardization and auto-population of invoice details in SAP e-invoicing, can help organizations remain compliant with changing tax mandates.

Consider redesigning invoicing processes to leverage SAP e-invoicing fully. This may include changes to how invoices are created, approved, and paid. It is essential to understand these requirements before starting the implementation and avoid mistakes.

Prioritize interoperability with SAP e-invoicing. One of the main benefits and latest trends of SAP e-invoicing is its interoperability with other SAP applications. This means that organizations can easily integrate their invoicing process with other applications across SAP S/4HANA Finance and ensure a seamless invoicing process.

666 results

  1. What New Mandates Mean for Multinationals in Latin America

    Published: 22/January/2016

    Reading time: 2 mins

    Governments throughout Latin America take tax collection seriously, and several countries are implementing comprehensive steps to reduce tax evasion, prevent fraud, and maximize their revenues. In fact, Mexico recently withheld more than $384 million in value-added tax (VAT) refunds to three multinationals, including Colgate and Unilever, as it carefully scrutinized their operations. Multinational companies operating…

  2. Technical Considerations for Executing an SAPUI5 Project

    Published: 05/April/2016

    Reading time: 22 mins

    Follow these best practices and tips outlined by Ameya Pimpalgaonkar if you are planning to execute an SAPUI5 project. See how an SAPUI5 project differs from a traditional project and why the design process is essential if you want to avoid technical errors. Key Concept It is essential that all SAPUI5 projects begin with a...…

  3. Configure SAPSprint for Secure Server-Based Printing on Windows

    Published: 17/June/2009

    Reading time: 146 mins

    You can have as wide and varied a range of printing needs as you have business needs. Learn about the available SAPSprint options — what they are and what they do — so you can help your organization meet its specific printing needs. Key Concept Secure Network Communications (SNC) integrates an external security product with...…

  4. A Look at Some Enhancements Under the SAP Transportation Management Hood

    Published: 10/July/2015

    Reading time: 27 mins

    Learn about major enhancements introduced in SAP Transportation Management (SAP TM) 9.1 that will help in managing transportation process across industries. Find enhanced transportation planning functionality that enables you to efficiently manage truck loads. Find out how functionalities such as the collaboration portal and strategic freight procurement enable close collaboration with your partners. Discover how...…

  5. Troubleshoot the Three SAPSprint Root Error Categories for Server-Based Printing on Windows

    Published: 29/October/2009

    Reading time: 17 mins

    A failed printout can delay or disrupt important meetings or cause you to miss deadlines. See how to avoid printer failures when using SAPSprint by analyzing the three most common types of errors. Also find answers to common SAPSprint issues in the SAPSprint FAQs. Key Concept Processing in SAPSprint involves generating print data via the...…

  6. Intercompany Accounting for Product Support Service and Subscription Software with SAP

    Published: 24/February/2020

    Reading time: 10 mins

    By Sachin Bhutani, Sr SAP Finance BPA, KLA The popularity of software-defined networking (SDN) and network functions virtualization (NFV) has revolutionized the traditional communication network architectures and has transformed the way communication service providers (CSP) design their network infrastructure.  These changes have driven network equipment industry revenue towards product support services and limited term subscription…

  7. Uncover New Insight into Your Customers with mySAP CRM Analytics

    Published: 15/August/2006

    Reading time: 27 mins

    Find out how mySAP CRM Analytics, a group of tools offered with mySAP CRM 2005 and SAP NetWeaver Business Intelligence to help you optimize your customer data. Learn about the mySAP CRM extraction mechanism and cross-application analysis tools you can use with your data. Then, explore the standard tool sets available, including customer analytics, product...…

  8. Use Reconciliation Account Determination with a Special G/L Indicator for More Flexible Invoicing

    Published: 15/July/2004

    Reading time: 11 mins

    The author demonstrates how to optimize reconciliation account determination. He introduces the fundamentals of reconciliation account determination, special G/L indicator configuration, and manual adjustments. With examples, he shows how to use reconciliation account determination with a special G/L indicator in the FI-A/R module. Using reconciliation account determination, you can post customer invoices to a reconciliation...…

  9. Plan and Monitor Your Sales Campaigns in the CO-PA Ledger

    Published: 15/February/2004

    Reading time: 52 mins

    Planning, tracking, and evaluating a discount program or any promotional activity is essential in order to gauge its success. These tasks can be accomplished using the SD module in concert with the CO-PA ledger in much the same way that the two work together to book orders and billings. While the SD module together with...…

  10. Understand the Concepts of Event Detail Record Management

    Published: 05/September/2012

    Reading time: 14 mins

    Understand the meaning of an event detail record and the role it plays in the handling of high-volume billing scenarios by the mass billing or invoicing solution of SAP ERP 6.0. The solution is an extension to the SAP Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable component of SAP ERP. Key Concept An event detail record (EDR)...…