Leveraging SAP S/4HANA Cash Management
Key Takeaways
⇨ The SAP S/4HANA Cash Management module provides corporations a suite of programs to accurately and timely manage a centralized cash position.
⇨ The solution provides users with a central hub of information that monitors cash inflows and outflows to ensure that companies have liquidity.
⇨ It is important to understand the overall architecture and the external inputs that are used to build the cash position on a daily basis.
Recent economic uncertainty and struggles with several major banks has made many organizations rethink their cash management strategies. The standard process for managing cash positions can be inefficient and inaccurate.
In this article, SAPinsider expert Luke Carlson starts a four-part series will provide an overview of the SAP S/4HANA Cash Management solution and typical business process used by most corporations. You will receive key insights into the core functionalities of the SAP S/4HANA Cash Management solution, the typical architecture that most organizations use to build the solution, and the daily process that businesses generally use to maximize their investment in the solution.