CNH Industrial Cultivates Automated Account Reconciliation Landscape

CNH Industrial Cultivates Automated Account Reconciliation Landscape

Published: 20/July/2017

Reading time: 10 mins

CNH Industrial, a global capital goods corporation specializing in the manufacture of agricultural and construction equipment, along with commercial vehicles and powertrain solutions, takes pride in designing and producing machines that “keep agriculture and industry growing.” But with more than 63,000 employees, 64 manufacturing plants, and 50 research and development centers, managing financial tasks is no easy feat. The company knew it had to increase visibility and consistency into account reconciliation processes, mitigate risks in financial closings, and ensure accuracy of overall financial statements in order to simplify and streamline its processes. Learn how CNH Industrial implemented offerings from SAP partner BlackLine to automate account reconciliations and account activity monitoring for more than 7,000 accounts in SAP ERP Financials and establish end-to-end visibility of financial processes.

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