Organisational Efficiency: CITIC Pacific Mining’s HR Innovation

Published: 07/March/2024

Reading time: 1 min

Key Takeaways

⇨ Navigo's org.manager enabled CPM to visualise complex HR data, clean it up, and ensure it remains current, supporting informed decision-making.

⇨ Advanced features like search capabilities and visual rules simplified HR processes, reducing reliance on HR for reports and enhancing data governance.

⇨ The partnership with Navigo has led to significant time savings, reducing ad hoc HR spreadsheets, and has become integral to CPM's operational efficiency.

CITIC Pacific Mining (CPM) aimed to improve HR data governance and minimise manual administration by automating their organisational charting processes. After initially managing their organisational charts manually, CPM adopted Navigo’s OrgPlus Enterprise in 2009, which provided instant access to accurate, up-to-date organisational charts and streamlined their HR operations. Recognising the need for further enhancement, CPM later transitioned to org.manager, Navigo’s flagship org design tool, which offered advanced visualisation with conditional highlights and a modern, user-friendly interface. This upgrade facilitated a more sophisticated and intuitive representation of their workforce structure, driving significant improvements in data governance and operational efficiency.

Explore the full success story of CITIC Pacific Mining and Navigo’s transformative org charting solution HERE.

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