Automate or fail: Why Automation is key to the survival of IT in a digital world

Automate or fail: Why Automation is key to the survival of IT in a digital world

Published: 09/December/2022

Reading time: 1 mins

Key Takeaways

⇨ How to maximize the value of existing and future IT investments

⇨ Why automation is a necessity and the only way to manage the rate of change and associated IT risks

⇨ By taking a four-step process to automation, businesses can make a success of ITOM and public cloud environments, and continue to manage evolving IT landscapes and pressure points

Businesses run on people, and people rely on mission-critical IT applications for the smooth running of everything from finance and payroll systems to supply chains and factory floors. During 2020, the resilience of IT operations was truly put to the test.  Automation is now key to the survival of IT in a digital world. resulted in a simultaneous growth in demand for products and services. As a result, the COVID-19 effect has accelerated innovation and new ways of working, as businesses look towards technology to facilitate effective and efficient operations during times of uncertainty and upheaval.

In fact, according to a leading research company, 69% of boards of directors accelerated their digital business initiatives following the COVID-19 disruption. For many, this meant moving mission-critical applications to the cloud and putting more emphasis on IT operations, in a bid to keep up with the pace of change and ensure system scalability and flexibility.

Read this whitepaper from Avantra that illustrates why automation is the key to the survival of IT in a digital world.

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