
Watch popular experts talk about what they know, answer your pressing questions, and deliver actionable advice.

232 results

  1. Planning Critical Infrastructure for the Long Term

    In this video, capital planning professionals from Network Rail, National Grid, and Northumbrian Water explain how the Copperleaf Decision Analytics Solution is helping them make the right investments at the right time and demonstrate value for money from investments more accurately.

  2. Resilience in the Healthcare Sector

    Healthcare providers have a duty to support and care for their employees professionally, personally, and psychologically. Watch the webinar to find out how to make employee well-being part of your core business.

  3. Webinar CIO Australia: Overcoming barriers to application modernisation with SAP

    Overcome application modernization barriers with CIO Australia’s on-demand webinar featuring DXC Technology. Learn from experts and real-world case studies!

  4. Panel Discussion CIO Australia: How to take customer experience to the next level

    Hear how beverage giant Lion worked with DXC to implement new technologies and processes to put customer experience at the centre of their business and operations.

  5. Sydney Uni Sport & Fitness get ahead of the competition with cloud-based ERP

    Learn from Sydney Uni Sport & Fitness on their journey to SAP Cloud ERP and gain insights into how technology is transforming the sports and gaming sector.

  6. Christchurch City Council’s Transformation Journey to Empower Citizens and Streamline Processes

    Find out how Christchurch City Council is applying digital ways of working incorporating people, process, information and technology.

  7. Intelligent Enterprise Transformation with SAP S/4HANA and YASH

    Enterprises might be overspending on technology but still struggling with their legacy systems. Implementing SAP S/4HANA, an Intelligent ERP system, is the best choice as it accelerates digital transformation for enterprises and drives value across business units by improving processes, simplifying IT landscape and providing valuable insights. YASH Technologies, a leading SAP Gold Partner, offers…

  8. Finance

    Finance Discussion: SAPinsider Community Engagement

    In this second video of our Finance Discussion Series, SAPinsider Senior Research Advisor Carsten Hilker talks with Research Director Ogo Nwanyanwu about community engagement among SAPinsiders. Getting vendors, practitioners, and those who cover the SAP space to all communicate, collaborate, and share solutions is a central tenant of SAPinsider’s mission. In this video, Hilker outlines…

  9. Finance

    Finance Discussion: Introducing Carsten Hilker

    SAPinsider is excited to introduce Carsten Hilker, our newest Senior Research Advisor. An expert in the field of financial and management with 20+ years in various roles including development, consulting and product management, Hilker will guide SAPinsider’s coverage of Finance and Management Accounting, offering key insights for organizations looking to maximize their financial production. Hilker…

  10. Resilience challenges

    Video: How Do You Better Manage Systems and Improve Resilience?

    Organizations today need to keep their business solutions up and running, and infrastructure providers have been focused on activities that help organizations accelerate implementations and reduced both planned and unplanned downtime. However, enterprise landscapes can often be complex to both implement and maintain. This is particularly true for SAP landscapes where there are often multiple…