Analyst Insights

Analyst Insights are written by SAPinsider’s research team. Based on information gleaned from surveys of the SAPinsider Community, conversations with experts, SAP employees, vendors, and SAPinsiders, Analyst Insights provide a thoughtful analysis of critical topics, technologies, and challenges that SAP customers face today.

182 results

  1. on-premise

    Is SAP Abandoning On-Premise?

    Published: 24/April/2023

    Reading time: 4 mins

    There has been significant discussion surrounding SAP’s stance on cloud versus on-premise. The recent statement by DSAG board member Sebastian Westphal implies that SAP is focusing enhancements on the public cloud version of SAP S/4HANA in a push to accelerate cloud adoption. But beyond these statements, there also seems to be a growing concern among…

  2. SAP Environment

    Analyst Solution Brief: SAP Signavio for Finance Operations

    Published: 21/April/2023

    Reading time: 3 mins

    SAP Signavio is a cloud-based solution that enables finance process modeling and empowers companies to achieve this by providing a comprehensive solution for understanding, improving, and transforming their business processes. SAPinsider recently spent time with SAP Signavio team to demo the solution. Here is a summary breakdown for the SAPinsider finance community. This content is…

  3. Evolving business intelligence

    Evolving Business Intelligence: Enabling Strategic Imperatives with a Cohesive Data Fabric

    Published: 19/April/2023

    Reading time: 2 mins

    As organizations seek to evolve or expand upon their ability to enable a cohesive data fabric, business intelligence programs may or may not reflect organizational strategies that should be leveraged to shape these programs. Additionally, many organizations face challenges in executing business intelligence programs that align with strategic imperatives. Corresponding solutions are shifting from on-premise…

  4. sustainability

    Themes of Transformation Permeate SAP Customers and Ecosystem Partners

    Published: 03/April/2023

    Reading time: 2 mins

    SAP and its partner ecosystem have guided customers through enterprise transformation journeys for half a century. This has continued as SAP customers adopt S/4HANA, often consolidating many disparate systems in the process. Ecobat, the world leader in both lead production and battery recycling (99% of the metal volume that Ecobat produces is captured and repurposed),…

  5. Cloud computing. Cloud Innovation and Transformation

    Cloud Innovation and Transformation

    Published: 31/March/2023

    Reading time: 2 mins

    Beyond moving data to the cloud, organizations also want applications that provide additional insight from their data. Most organizations can use analytics, many other critical KPIs. But they often lack greater insight around that data. This is the functionality that hyperscalers can offer, connecting corporate data sets with weather or trend data provides more context…

  6. Women in Leadership

    Women in Leadership Keynote: Perspectives on What Matters in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

    Published: 27/March/2023

    Reading time: 8 mins

    As organizations strive to define and execute on DEI objectives, we are discovering disparities between existing initiatives, their value, and their impact on employees. In a panel discussion among women leaders in technology and supply chain at SAPinsider 2023, lessons learned from existing initiatives, as well as misses of these initiatives, were discussed. A core…

  7. How Is SAP S/4HANA Deployment Changing?

    Published: 23/March/2023

    Reading time: 2 mins

    SAP S/4HANA adoption has grown steadily over the last few years. In 2023, we expect the focus on centralization to increase as more existing SAP ERP customers look to move to SAP S/4HANA. Based on 2022 numbers, the proportion of respondents planning a scaled-up deployment will surpass those planning a stand-alone deployment. We also expect…

  8. Lloyd Adams Keynote: The Human Side of Digital Transformation

    Published: 22/March/2023

    Reading time: 4 mins

    SAP North America President Lloyd Adams kicked off SAPinsider 2023 with a keynote message on the human side of digital transformation. Stating that change is inevitable and requires a strong data foundation, Adams began the keynote discussing GROW with SAP, which was announced earlier in the day. GROW with SAP, which pairs S/4HANA cloud, public…

  9. Warehouse Sustainability

    Sustainable Warehouses Through AI and Analytics

    Published: 17/March/2023

    Reading time: 3 mins

    The logistics and transportation sector contribute approximately 5.5% of the total greenhouse gas emissions.1 Within the logistics and transportation sector, it is estimated that logistics buildings contribute 13% of all supply chain emissions (shown in Figure 1). The relative percentage of contribution from logistics buildings highlights that warehouses significantly contribute to greenhouse gas emissions. Figure…

  10. Mobile Barcoding

    Mobile Barcoding in Warehousing

    Published: 17/March/2023

    Reading time: 3 mins

    The COVID-19 pandemic created a “new normal” for businesses and magnified the challenges of warehouse operations. Warehouse executives now need to innovate and design scalable systems to accommodate unanticipated demand and manage associated challenges. Computing and technology advancement, specifically edge computing, has enabled organizations to tactically leverage smart devices and mobile solutions. Miniaturization, increased performance…