What Is MRO

MRO (Maintenance, repair and operations) supplies are items used in the production process but are not part of the final product produced. MRO supplies range from office supplies to safety equipment to spare parts for production equipment.

Why Is MRO Critical to Companies?

On the surface, MRO supplies may seem inconsequential to the daily operations of a manufacturer. But nothing could be further from the truth. Consider a production line that suddenly stops working because of a broken belt. Without this part available in inventory, an entire line of production comes to a halt, resulting in costly downtime until the equipment is repaired.

Procurement is most often responsible for maintaining the inventory of MRO supplies. With a diverse range of products, it’s imperative to keep the proper stock on hand. MRO is supported by SAP and third parties by establishing a tighter integration between planning and operations. This ultimately leads to greater asset utilization and prevents excess inventory. Integration of MRO with normal business processes also improves data accuracy for customers across the enterprise. 

What Is MRO

MRO (Maintenance, repair and operations) supplies are items used in the production process but are not part of the final product produced. MRO supplies range from office supplies to safety equipment to spare parts for production equipment.

Why Is MRO Critical to Companies?

On the surface, MRO supplies may seem inconsequential to the daily operations of a manufacturer. But nothing could be further from the truth. Consider a production line that suddenly stops working because of a broken belt. Without this part available in inventory, an entire line of production comes to a halt, resulting in costly downtime until the equipment is repaired.

Procurement is most often responsible for maintaining the inventory of MRO supplies. With a diverse range of products, it’s imperative to keep the proper stock on hand. MRO is supported by SAP and third parties by establishing a tighter integration between planning and operations. This ultimately leads to greater asset utilization and prevents excess inventory. Integration of MRO with normal business processes also improves data accuracy for customers across the enterprise. 

Key Considerations for SAPinsiders

  • Keys to Building an Intelligent MRO Organization. In this article, learn how companies in the aerospace and defense (A&D) industry can leverage artificial intelligence, machine learning, Internet of Things, and other intelligent technologies for a more intelligent MRO enterprise. Frank Klipphahn, Industry Solution Manager at SAP, says a focus on experience management (XM) is key to an intelligent MRO organization. By gaining a better understanding of the customer and feedback on product maintenance, that data can be used for a more efficient and intelligent MRO process. “The idea is that you can use both experience and operational data to guide business decisions and allow you to collect insights from customers, employees, and the product itself because we are dealing with smart IoT-enabled products.”
  • Data Integrity and Transformation Go Hand in Hand.

Read how data integrity around spare parts and heavy assets in manufacturing is the foundation for transformation. Prospecta CEO and co-founder Ranjan Bakshi says today, most companies are still managing their MRO spare parts without any standard procedure and lack data quality in the absence of a proper governance framework. This is a big hindrance in inventory optimization and management of spare parts. Leveraging a data quality enhancement tool has helped organizations improve their inventory optimization initiatives significantly, resulting in cost and process efficiency.

Other vendors in the transportation management space include: Consultare America and Wurth USA.

516 results

  1. aerospace airline airplane aviation

    Keys to Building an Intelligent MRO Organization

    Published: 10/April/2020

    Reading time: 13 mins

    In aviation industries, such as aerospace and defense (A&D), maintenance, repair, and overhaul (MRO) organizations operate a very complicated framework to maintain their aerospace assets. In the SAP ecosystem, these assets involve many different business segments, and maintenance activities need to be planned for, executed, and documented — and in a timely manner — to…

  2. Optimised inventory

    Saving costs and downtime with optimised MRO inventory

    Published: 13/November/2024

    Reading time: 2 mins

    MRO inventory optimisation assessments can provide a reliable path to utilising inventory optimisation solutions to help organisations make significant savings and reduce downtimes during maintenance, operations, and repair.

  3. Reduce unplanned downtime by 50% with data-driven MRO inventory optimisation

    Published: 20/June/2024

    Reading time: 2 mins

    A data-driven approach to optimising maintenance, repair and operations (MRO) inventory can cut inventory costs by 40 percent, the time to analyse inventory also by 40 percent and unplanned downtime related to missing parts by 50 percent, while also increasing maintenance budget savings by 35 percent and service levels by 25 percent, according to research…

  4. How to identify the value of optimising MRO inventory in your organisation

    As asset-intensive organisations looking for ways to significantly reduce costs and unplanned downtime, optimising MRO inventory is an urgent strategy – but how do you evaluate the value and opportunity of inventory optimisation in your particular organisation.

  5. Will AI Help the MRO Supply Chain Make Significant Gains in Reducing RISK and COST?

    Background: AI functionality and capability has not been well communicated as to how it will improve the MRO Supply Chain. This presentation will help to close the gap on what’s here and what’s coming! Foreground: This presentation will focus on explaining and educating the audience on how AI is being used and could be used…

  6. Get the Most Out of SAPSprint for Server-Based Printing in Microsoft Windows

    Published: 22/April/2009

    Reading time: 19 mins

    SAPSprint is the latest service for server-based printing on Windows. Learn how to install and configure this service with its default options. Drill down into the technical implementation to learn how to manage print requests, restart print processes, configure front-end printing, and include barcodes. Key Concept Processing in SAPSprint means generating print data via the...…

  7. Deep Dive: The MRP Playbook for MRO: Getting the Right People, Parts and Tools at the Right Place and Time

    Click HERE to view the presentation deck slides. Wading through the work order, reservation and requisition lists needed to plan and schedule work at any organization is absolutely intimidating. On the surface, it seems nearly impossible to quickly identify and prioritize what tasks and exceptions need to be addressed first. Couple this with today’s Supply...…

  8. 20%+ Reduction in your MRO Inventory with No Risk Increases!

    Click HERE to view the presentation deck slides. If cash (working capital) management is a focus or an area of concern in your business, come along and I’ll show you how to open the bonnet, tune the engine, and get moving! With this analogy, if you do not regularly calculate your MIN/MAX settings it’s like...…

  9. Use Case: Real-time reporting thanks to a new SAP HANA database in the MRO sector

    Published: 21/December/2020

    Reading time: 1 min

    In order to increase reaction and implementation speeds in international overhaul business and in material logistics, Lufthansa Technik has migrated its BI system to SAP HANA. The project:

  10. Making inventory management sustainable with algorithms and analytics

    Published: 25/July/2024

    Reading time: 2 mins

    Combining advanced algorithms and prescriptive analytics can make inventory management for organisations more sustainable by improving forecasting accuracy and identifying criticality, according to a recent COSOL blog post.  An inventory management solution that provides a detailed view of an organisation’s maintenance, repair and operations (MRO) inventory, and recommendations of reorder levels for individual stock items,…