Webinar On-Demand: Using CxLink for SAP Data and Applications on AWS
Key Takeaways
⇨ Discuss the benefits of a data lake and whether and how to and how to create one for the entire organization.
⇨ What’s required to connect Amazon S3 and Amazon Connect with your existing SAP CRM applications and data
⇨ Understand requirements of leveraging Syntax CxLink* to optimize the power of AWS
There are SAP applications everywhere and in various organizations. Some reside on-premises while others are cloud-based. Databases and documents are everywhere and are very siloed. This webinar presents options for breaking down those siloes using CxLink for SAP data and applications on AWS. Save your seat to learn how creating integrated and innovative views of your business information allows you to drive more value from AWS and SAP CRM Apps.
View this Syntax webinar on-demand:
- Understand requirements of leveraging Syntax CxLink* to optimize the power of AWS call center software from within your SAP applications.
- The benefits of a data lake and how to create one for the entire organization.
- What’s required to connect Amazon S3 and Amazon Connect with your existing SAP CRM applications and data.
- The Syntax CxLink portfolio and which product is best for your organization.
- Can Syntax CxLink product family help me leverage the power of AWS from within our SAP applications?
- Do I need to create a data lake that my organization can leverage for modern insight?
- Can I link Amazon Connect’s powerful call center software with our SAP CRM information?
- What part of the Syntax CxLink portfolio is best for me?
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