From Manual to Automated: The Benefits of Invoice Automation for Accounts Payable
Webinar On-Demand
Meet the Experts
Key Takeaways
⇨ The benefits of end-to-end AP automation
⇨ The importance of clean core for the future viability of your SAP ecosystem
⇨ The increasing relevance of international e-invoicing initiatives
Join us for an exciting webinar on the future of accounts payable invoice automation, presented in partnership with SAPinsider. AP teams face increased pressure to do more with less in today’s fast-paced business world. Manual invoice processing can be time-consuming and error-prone, leading to delayed payments and strained vendor relationships. Recent SAPinsider benchmark research reveals that 76% of SAPinsiders fail to digitize paper invoices, illustrating why manual work and processes remains a top driver shaping accounts payable automation strategies and investments among SAP organizations.