Research Webinar: Cybersecurity Threats to SAP Systems 2023
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Key Takeaways
⇨ Take a holistic view of your cybersecurity strategies to make sure they address the current threat vectors and challenges
⇨ Create a patch management plan for your SAP systems and build in time for implementation
⇨ Implement a strategy to respond to breaches and attacks
In 2023, the focus of cybersecurity strategies for SAP systems shifted away from ransomware and malware attacks to addressing unpatched systems, concentrating on addressing system vulnerabilities over attack vectors. Exploring the details behind these changes, SAPinsider revealed some interesting in year-over-year trends during its third year of research on cybersecurity threats. Increasing regulatory compliance requirements, hybridization of environments, and economic pressures all played a role in influencing this shift in thinking.
The survey asked the respondents to rank the top cybersecurity threats to their SAP systems, ranging from most to least important. Ransomware attacks, unpatched systems, and credentials compromise were ranked as the most important threats to systems, similar to last year. These three are interconnected when it comes to root cause analysis. Credentials compromise is the gateway for threat actors to infiltrate systems and plant ransomware or malware. Failure to regularly apply patches exposes vulnerabilities that allow hackers to exfiltrate data, plant malicious code, or traverse across the network.
Download the benchmark report to read the full data analysis from 206 members of the SAPinsider community and receive recommendations for your own plans.
– Explore the top cybersecurity threats to SAP systems in 2023
– Learn what factors are impacting cybersecurity strategy
– Understand the challenges that organizations face with securing SAP systems
– See what elements organizations believe are necessary to secure SAP environments