How Innovative Leadership Uses Technology Transitions To Push Boundaries And Change Culture

How Innovative Leadership Uses Technology Transitions To Push Boundaries And Change Culture

Published: 02/September/2022

Reading time: 1 mins

Innovation, disruption, volatility: These words may have become overused, but they describe the conditions facing current business, IT, and SAP teams. Against this backdrop of business and industry pressures, the rapid evolution of technology has thrown leaders into a constant state of flux as they weigh up the adoption of SAP S/4HANA Cloud, Analytics, Artificial Intelligence, and much more.

In this interactive and entertaining keynote Jonathan Becher, President of the San Jose Sharks, and Julia White, Chief Marketing & Solutions Officer and member of the Executive Board, will share their own stories of how innovative organizations such as the Sharks have built a culture of innovation that takes full advantage of the latest technology from SAP and partners. Through real-world examples that draw on priorities such as fan engagement and player analytics, Becher will help you understand how the Sharks navigated the past few years of “pandemic-impacted” sports experiences but came out the other side with stronger experiences and engagement, using SAP technologies. White will elaborate on the value of SAP S/4HANA Cloud and how this next-generation ERP solution helps companies reduce complexities to make efficient and intelligent decisions based on predictive insights in real-time.

Become the catalyst for change! Walk away inspired and ready to apply these leadership and innovation frameworks to expand your own thinking and approach so that your organization doesn’t fall into the short-sighted trap of viewing SAP S/4HANA Cloud deployments as mere “technology projects”.

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