Meet the Expert

Shane Clark
Shane Clark is the Coordinator for Enterprise Asset Management for the City of Gold Coast. Shane has spent his entire career in maintenance and has held most roles within the maintenance space. Shane gained his qualifications in the Australian Defence Force (Royal Australian Navy) as a Marine Technician and spent 10 years serving his country which included 3 tours of Iraq. Shane has lead maintenance teams in the United Kingdom maintaining rail assets and rail infrastructure in the United Kingdom during his role as a Maintenance Supervisor on the London Underground. Shane spent 10 years working offshore globally in Oil and Gas where he was a Sub Sea Engineer for the for the world’s largest offshore drilling contractor Transocean. Shane has also worked locally as a Maintenance Planner and a Maintenance Supervisor for Neumann Steel. Shane is a Sub Sea Engineer and holds a master’s degree in engineering management. Shane has an advanced diploma in business (and swears to himself one day he will complete the last 3 modules to complete his MBA). Shane also holds a Cert IV – Engineering (Mechanical), Cert IV – Work Health and Safety, Cert III - Marine Technician, Cert III – Aviation (RePL). Shane is an avid sports fanatic who, when not studying or reading books about maintenance may be found swinging off the end of a Fender Telecaster or a drum kit. That is of course, if his wife and 4 young children are not demanding his time.