Meet the Expert
Chris is a business-oriented technologist, SAP evangelist and a member of SAP’s coveted global mentor program, who founded DalRae Solutions in 2015. Having spent over 20 years in the SAP industry, he is passionate about driving business change through technology, and Chris is a business-oriented technologist, SAP evangelist and a member of SAP’s coveted global mentor program, who founded DalRae Solutions in 2015. Having spent over 20 years in the SAP industry, he is passionate about driving business change through technology, and sees the introduction of SAP Business Technology Platform (BTP) as a game changer in enabling customers to achieve this. Chris has a proven track record in planning, developing and implementing complex solutions for our customers, and is a regular speaker at SAP related conferences globally. Chris had his first exposure to SAP while working for Mulgowie Farming company in rural Australia. He saw the difference SAP made to the smooth running of the farming operations and quickly got involved with the online community, as support in the remote location was hard to come by. He then went on to work at Super Retail Group for a number of years, expanding is knowledge and working on a number of projects, such as the first click & collect implementation in Australia. Following that Chris became the Founder & Chief Architect at DalRae Solutions, and has worked on a number of noteworthy projects such as the New Zealand Police gun buyback scheme and the NDIA Case Management solution. In recent years his interest has primarily been in the Business Technology Platform (BTP) and he has established himself and his business as a global leading expert in this field
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