Panel | How automation and intelligence can be applied to Process Control or Internal Controls

Panel | How automation and intelligence can be applied to Process Control or Internal Controls

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Automating controls within SAP Process Controls is becoming more and more of a “must” than a “want” for organizations in terms of risk identification and transparency. SAP Process Control can perform both semi- and fully automated testing of controls that range from application controls (value checks, blank checks, change log checks) to master data controls (identifying empty fields, or fields without specific values) to transactional controls (with the integration of SAP HANA for even more sophisticated analytics). Continuous control monitoring tracks information continuously, providing critical updates and direction on how to react to alerts. Organizations are applying automation and intelligence to their process and internal controls to reduce data errors and manual processes, maximize ERP returns on investment, and reduce compliance costs such as retesting costs for failed controls.

Join this panel discussion for an SAP, consultant, and customer view of how automation within process and internal controls can help organizations more efficiently manage risk.

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