Eli Lilly & Company’s Tips for Using Process Control to Create Effective Continuous Monitoring
Key Takeaways
⇨ Discover how usiness rules can ensure that the system is working as expected
⇨ Review examples of key reports that Lilly uses to troubleshoot issues
⇨ Discuss the use of Adobe offline forms to improve end user adoption of CCMs
Gain insight into best practices, tips and tricks learned through real-world experience in using SAP Process Control for Continuous Control Monitoring (CCM) to monitor compliance, automate control performance, and check for system issues. When companies start using SAP Process Control, they often struggle with how to begin building the automation that Process Control can provide.
View this session deck to:
See some real-life experiences on the benefits and things to consider as automation is being developed, rolled out, and supported
Discover how usiness rules can ensure that the system is working as expected
Review examples of key reports that Lilly uses to troubleshoot issues
Understand how Lilly has used CCM to automate control performance and improve the auditability of controls for more than five years
Discuss the use of Adobe offline forms to improve end user adoption of CCMs
Take home examples of CCMs that Lilly is using today