Automate the AR Collection Process and Get Paid Faster
Key Takeaways
⇨ Implement self-service options so your customers can make payments on their own.
⇨ Integrate payments directly into SAP to reduce manual labor and improve real-time reporting.
⇨ Eliminate human data entry error and collect payments faster.
Join Delego, a leader in integrated payment processing and AR automation tools for SAP, as they address the problems associated with a manual AR collection process, including repetitive labor, security vulnerabilities, and reconciliation.
Some of this session’s topics include how to…
-Implement self-service options so your customers can make payments on their own.
-Integrate payments directly into SAP to reduce manual labor and improve real-time reporting.
-Eliminate human data entry error and collect payments faster.
-Save on payment processing fees by implementing Level 2/3 transaction support.”