Audit Preparation
Preparing for new and potential scenarios, regulations, and risks requires increasingly complex auditing roles. How can you ensure that your organization is prepared for audit and that your internal and external audit teams have everything they need? Sessions in this track will cover best practices and thought leadership to help you understand how to improve and automate internal audit processes, leverage new technology and solutions, and consider new impacts on your role. Understand the impact of current trends and issues on auditing teams and learn how to best prepare for your own internal audits.
An Interview with Steve Biskie:
Featured Sessions:
Beyond SOX: Addressing non-financial risks through SAP configuration and sound supporting – Steve Biskie, RSM
While many organizations focus on compliance during an SAP implementation, often related to financial reporting and regulations such as Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX), they might be underutilizing optional SAP controls that could provide extreme value to their SAP system and supporting processes. How can you apply SAP configuration and sound supporting to minimize and mitigate operational and strategic risks? This session will take a deep dive into missed and misunderstood controls and processing, while sharing configurations and practices that can make your organization run more efficiently, reduce time spent on non-value-added work, and mitigate risk.
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Case Study | How Delivery Hero’s Better Audit Management Helped Improve the Customer Experience – Sholpan Niyazbayeva and Larry Herzog Butler, Delivery Hero SE
On the face, internal audit processes are rather elementary. Planning, fieldwork, reporting, and follow-up very familiar to us and we are used to performing tasks within these sub-processes in all of our audits. However, how do we leverage technology perform our internal audit tasks in a more effective and efficient manner? The devil is certain in the details. In this presentation, we will tell the story of how we established our internal audit function and also how we are levering SAP products to add value to our organization.
Audits got you down? Improve them with Process Controls – Gabe Perez, Customer Advisory Group
Resource constraints, business deadlines, and financial reporting can make managing and executing audits in a normal year challenging enough—let alone the disruptions of a global pandemic and sudden remote environments. It’s important for organizations to make audits more effective and reliable so that resources can focus on the business and critical controls that can impact their business. How can a compliance team be supported to be more effective in all environments?
Effective Internal Auditing in the Digitalized Era: Adding value to the business – Neil Patrick, SAP
We see a strong push towards our customers adopting cloud based software while still having on-prem operations, automation of as many processes as possible, use of many types of artificial intelligence, and ongoing decentralized and home working. What needs to be audited, and how it is audited, is changing.
Additional Resources:
Research Report:
Integrating Process Automation and SAP S/4HANA Research Report
Efficient business processes are the lifeblood of any organization. The opportunity to leverage intelligent technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, and various forms of robotic process automation are abundant today, but organizations need to carefully select the right technologies and solutions that are the right fit for their business culture, skillsets, and existing solutions.