eBook: The SAP User`s Guide to Reducing Invoice-to-Pay Costs

eBook: The SAP User`s Guide to Reducing Invoice-to-Pay Costs

Published: 23/March/2023

Reading time: 1 min

Key Takeaways

⇨ What does it cost to process an invoice?

⇨ Why automate the back-Office Now?

⇨ How automation reduces invoice-to-pay costs.

If it feels like it costs your business too much time and money to process invoices, you are not alone. According to the Institute of Finance and Management (IOFM), controllers say accounts payable (AP) is the most time-consuming, labor-intensive, and paper intensive finance and administration (F&A) function, topping notoriously burdensome tasks such as accounts receivable and payroll.

Controllers also believe that AP is the function that could benefit most from automation, IOFM finds.

Automation can significantly reduce costs across an SAP user’s invoice-to-pay cycle.

This IPS eBook shows how. Register below and learn more.

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