The New Normal: FP&A lessons learned
Learn how to adjust to thrive and not just survive in The New Normal. FP&A teams will have to make adjustments to processes including people, process, culture, and technology to adapt.
Confronting a historic level of uncertainty has rendered traditional methods of data analytics, forecasting, and scenario planning all but useless. Predictions for the return to business-as-usual, as far as scope and scale, remain wide-ranging. The old approach to the FP&A function is coming up short in an unprecedented crisis, but there is a path forward.
Join us for a discussion to understand what steps FP&A teams need to take to truly gain “Speed to Insight at the Speed of Thought”.
Explore related questions
This session will address:
– What will the New Normal look like for data analytics, forecasting and scenario planning?
– When does this New Normal arrive?
– How do companies build a culture of analytics to develop and act on business insights?
– How do we get to business insights faster?